50 research outputs found

    Intensity and Labour Consumption of Integrated Production in Horticultural Farms

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    AbstractThe paper presents economic efficiency of work in the horticultural production in the selected farms which carry out the integrated production. At the average, one man-hour was paid 0.09 PLNk·man-hour-1. Taking into consideration the use structure in the investigated objects, the intensity of production organization was determined. The production was varied (it was within the intensity range of 213-393 points) and the differences resulted directly from the participation of the grain cultivation area and currant plantation in particular farms. A field work mechanization degree is, inter alia, a factor that influences the labour inputs level. Thus, an annual use of farm tractors was also determined. It was 400hours. The paper covers farms associated in the formalized producer's group

    Dominance-based Rough Set Approach, basic ideas and main trends

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    Dominance-based Rough Approach (DRSA) has been proposed as a machine learning and knowledge discovery methodology to handle Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA). Due to its capacity of asking the decision maker (DM) for simple preference information and supplying easily understandable and explainable recommendations, DRSA gained much interest during the years and it is now one of the most appreciated MCDA approaches. In fact, it has been applied also beyond MCDA domain, as a general knowledge discovery and data mining methodology for the analysis of monotonic (and also non-monotonic) data. In this contribution, we recall the basic principles and the main concepts of DRSA, with a general overview of its developments and software. We present also a historical reconstruction of the genesis of the methodology, with a specific focus on the contribution of Roman S{\l}owi\'nski.Comment: This research was partially supported by TAILOR, a project funded by European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215. This submission is a preprint of a book chapter accepted by Springer, with very few minor differences of just technical natur

    Promotion of RES in a technology transfer network : case study of the Enterprise Europe Network

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    The promotion of renewable energy is a key concept in the European Union for both environmental and economic reasons. It contributes to securing the objectives set out in the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, it brings various social and economic benefits, e.g., diversification of the energy offer, new jobs, improvement of regional and local development opportunities and building a solid national industry. The main purpose of the article is to contribute to the debate on the instruments promoting renewable energy sources (RES) by emphasizing its importance within the technology transfer network. The subject is an empirical study of an actual technology transfer network. Its international activity promotes RES among entrepreneurs. Data related to meetings as part of brokerage events (BE) and company missions (CM) were subject to statistical and visual analysis, based on the data obtained from the Enterprise Europe Network from the years 2017-2018. The presented results are the foundation for future theoretical and practical studies. One of the important aspects to be examined is the intensity of cooperation launched during CM and BE. It is related to the results of partnership agreements and the importance of increasing the knowledge flow and creating opportunities for partners to acquire foreign technologies

    Information technology tools in corporate knowledge management

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    Motivation: Knowledge management is currently one of the most important factors determining the company’s market position. It depends not only on the skilful use of resources, but also on obtaining a synergistic effect. To manage knowledge, managers must possess not only the appropriate resources of knowledge, but also must have determined management structure with the assistance of the IT (information technology) tools.Aim: The purpose of the article was to present how the modern enterprise knowledge management process is supported by information technology. For this purpose, was summarized selected indicators characterizing the use of ICT in various types of enterprises in the country. It assumed that it is important not only the equipment the companies with information technology tools, but also the degree of use of these tools.Results: Usage of ICT in Poland reaches ratios much lower than the average for the European Union. Large differences in the use of information technology occurs in individual groups of companies. Larger companies have reached a much higher degree of saturation of IT tools than smaller objects. For example, the number of Polish enterprises with computers was 94.7%, in the case of large companies it is 99.8%. Even greater discrepancy relates to access to the Internet. You may also notice differences in each province. Introduction of modern technologies related to computer science and computers (eg. cloud computing, big data, social media, e-commerce etc) enables effective knowledge management in companies. The indicators show that the management team appreciates the importance of knowledge and consistently invests for its development.</p

    Quantum-chemical investigation of the structure and the antioxidant properties of α-lipoic acid and its metabolites

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    Quantum-chemical computations were used to investigate the structure–antioxidant parameter relationships of α-lipoic acid and its natural metabolites bisnorlipoic acid and tetranorlipoic acid in their oxidized and reduced forms. The enantiomers of lipoic and dihydrolipoic acid were optimized using the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p), B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ and MP2(full)/6-31+G(d,p) levels of theory as isolated molecules and in the presence of water. The geometries of the metabolites and the values of their antioxidant parameters (proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy, adiabatic ionization potential, spin density, and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy) were calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) level of theory. The results obtained reveal similarities between these structures: a pentatomic, nonaromatic ring is present in the oxidized forms, while an unbranched aliphatic chain (as found in saturated fatty acids) is present in both the oxidized and the reduced forms. Analysis of the spin density and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy revealed that the SH groups exhibited the greatest electron-donating activities. The values obtained for the proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy and adiabatic ionization potential indicate that the preferred antioxidant mechanisms for α-lipoic acid and its metabolites are sequential proton loss electron transfer in polar media and hydrogen atom transfer in vacuum

    Założenia edukacyjne ekspozycji stałej Muzeum Pana Tadeusza we Wrocławiu i ich realizacja

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    Since 2016 the Pan Tadeusz Museum of the Ossoliński National Institute in Wrocław has been opened to the public. It is dedicated to the national epic poem – the most acknowledged piece of literature by Adam Mickiewicz, titled Pan Tadeusz, published for the first time in 1834. It also presents the reception of the poem, longevity of ideas started in Romanticism and the legacy of freedom in the history of Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries. The investment was co-financed from the European budget within the project named The Pan Tadeusz Museum – an innovative space – education through culture. The project was based on the idea to create a museum of educational character, with the use of museum exhibits, multimedia presentations, and infrastructure necessary for a modern arrangement of the exhibition. Given these assumptions, the team of educators, mostly with long-term practice as museum professionals, prepared the permanent exhibition. Their practical experience, plus theoretical bases for educational goals they referred to, together with a subject of the exhibition that focuses on an exceptional masterpiece in the history of Polish culture, i.e. the Manuscript of Pan Tadeusz, determined decisions pertaining to selection of exhibits, content of multimedia applications, inscriptions under the exhibits and titles of individual rooms, the range of themes for audio guides as well as materials and facilities for visitors with disabilities. In the article the permanent exhibition “The Manuscript of Pan Tadeusz” is described from the perspective of narration applied and educational assumptions it was based upon. It is then referred to a museological reflection which analyses an educational potential of museum exhibitions, interpretation practices and strategies of narration carried out by museums through exhibitions and educational activities.W 2016 r. zostało otwarte dla publiczności Muzeum Pana Tadeusza Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich we Wrocławiu. Poświęcone jest epopei narodowej – najsłynniejszemu dziełu Adama Mickiewicza pt. Pan Tadeusz, po raz pierwszy opublikowanemu w 1834 r., a także recepcji dzieła, trwałości idei romantycznych oraz dziedzictwa wolności w historii Polski XIX i XX wieku. Inwestycję zrealizowano w ramach projektu pn. Muzeum Pana Tadeusza – innowacyjna przestrzeń – edukacja przez kulturę współfinansowanego ze środków europejskich. Założenia realizacyjne projektu dotyczyły stworzenia muzeum o charakterze edukacyjnym, wykorzystującego eksponaty muzealne, prezentacje multimedialne i niezbędną infrastrukturę do realizacji pomyślanej nowocześnie ekspozycji. W kontekście tych założeń powstała wystawa stała przygotowana przez zespół, którego trzon stanowili edukatorzy z wieloletnim stażem w pracy muzealnej. Ich doświadczenie praktyczne oraz teoretyczne założenia edukacyjne do jakich się odwoływali, w połączeniu z tematyką ekspozycji skupionej wokół wyjątkowego zabytku w dziejach kultury polskiej jakim jest Rękopis Pana Tadeusza, zdeterminowały decyzje odnośnie doborów eksponatów, zawartości aplikacji multimedialnych, treści tytułów sal i podpisów pod obiektami, tematyki audioprzewodników oraz materiałów i rozwiązań dedykowanych osobom z niepełnosprawnościami. Artykuł omawia wystawę stałą „Rękopis Pana Tadeusza” z punktu widzenia zrealizowanej narracji oraz założeń edukacyjnych w nią wpisanych i odnosi ją do refleksji muzeologicznej analizującej potencjał edukacyjny wystaw muzealnych, praktyki interpretacyjne i strategie narracji realizowane poprzez wystawy i działania edukacyjne w muzeach

    PIOTR PIOTROWSKI (1952 – 2015)

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    Professor Piotr Piotrowski passed away on 3rd May 2015. Above all, he was a world-class art historian, an author of dozens of books and hundreds of articles, a university lecturer, an intellectual engaged in public debates, and an academic teacher shaping the scientific attitudes of the most prominent art historians from the middle and younger generations in Poland and abroad. His personal achievement also included important achievements in the fields of museum studies and museology which place him among the most original Polish museum professionals at the turn of the 21st century. This memory is mainly devoted to the museum activity of Piotr Piotrowski. It recalls his achievements as a curator in the Gallery of Contemporary Art of the National Museum in Poznań, and highlights the intellectual legacy of his achievements in museology in the concept of the „critical museum” and the belief in the importance of the institution of the museum in public debate.Profesor Piotr Piotrowski zmarł 3 maja 2015 roku. Był przede wszystkim światowej klasy historykiem sztuki, autorem kilkunastu książek i kilkuset artykułów, wykładowcą uniwersyteckim, zaangażowanym w debaty publiczne intelektualistą, nauczycielem akademickim kształtującym postawy naukowe najwybitniejszych historyków sztuki średniego i młodszego pokolenia w Polsce i za granicą. W swoim dorobku zawodowym miał również niebagatelne osiągnięcia w dziedzinie muzealnictwa i muzeologii, które sytuują Go w gronie najbardziej oryginalnych muzealników polskich przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Wspomnienie poświęcone jest głównie muzealnej aktywności Piotra Piotrowskiego. Przypomina Jego osiągnięcia na stanowisku kuratora Galerii Sztuki Współczesnej Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu oraz zwraca uwagę na spuściznę intelektualną jego dorobku muzeologicznego w postaci koncepcji muzeum krytycznego i przekonania o ważnym miejscu instytucji muzeum w debacie publicznej

    Managing and promoting city's image through the organization of musical events. Example of Gdańsk.

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    Niniejsza praca pt. ,,Zarządzanie promocją miasta i jego wizerunkiem poprzez wydarzenia muzyczne. Przykład Gdańska” ma na celu zbadanie roli wydarzeń muzycznych w budowaniu wizerunku miasta. Autor pracy analizuje w tym kontekście działania muzyczne, a także działania promocyjne prowadzone w Gdańsku w 2017 roku. Odpowiada też na pytania dotyczące badanej tematyki, tj. m.in. za pomocą jakich działań kształtowany jest wizerunek miasta? Jaki jest wizerunek Gdańska? Jaki jest docelowy wizerunek Gdańska? Kto buduje i zarządza wizerunkiem i promocją miasta? Jak miasto wykorzystuje muzykę i wydarzenia muzyczne w budowaniu wizerunku i akcjach promocyjnych? Czy wizerunek poszczególnych wydarzeń tworzy spójną całość? Czy muzyczne działania promocyjne są spójne? Jakie są koncepcje strategiczne przy zarządzaniu wizerunkiem i promocją w kontekście kultury i jak są one realizowane? Do odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania realizuje metody związane z przeprowadzeniem badań jakościowych: m.in wywiad, obserwacja, metoda analizy danych zastanych.W pierwszym rozdziale pracy przedstawiono rozdział teoretyczny związany z procesem zarządzania wizerunkiem i promocją. Przedstawiono definicje, cele i poziomy marketingu terytorialnego, specyfikę promocji miasta (jej przedmiot, metodę i strategię) oraz postrzegane za standardowe narzędzia budowania wizerunku i promocji (komunikacja nieformalna, reklama, public relations, social media i formy promocji internetowej, sponsoring). Jeden z podrozdziałów pierwszego rozdziału poświęcono także wizerunkowi: pojęciu wizerunku miasta, jego funkcji, typom, cechom i strukturze. Osobny fragment poświęcono pojęciu tożsamości miasta i regionu. Drugi rozdział to dokładny opis metodologii badań – rodzajowi przeprowadzonych badań, celowi pracy, pytaniom badawczym oraz metodom. Autor opisuje też badane podmioty. Trzeci rozdział poświęcony jest opisywanemu przykładowi – Miastu Gdańsk. Cztery rozdziały poświęcono charakterystyce miasta, jego podejściu do kultury i wizerunku, działaniom promocyjnym oraz historii podejścia do muzyki. Czwarty rozdział jest rozdziałem badawczym – przeanalizowano organizowane w mieście wydarzenia muzyczne w 2017 roku. Autor dołożył wszelkich starań by opis był kompletny. W ostaniem rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki z przeprowadzonych badań.This thesis entitled ,,Managing and promoting city's image through the organization of musical events. Example of Gdańsk" is aimed at exploring the role of musical events in building the image of the city. In this context, work's author analyzes musical activities as well as promotional activities conducted in Gdańsk in 2017. Author tried to find the answer for following questions: What actions are used in image-building process? What is the image of Gdańsk? What is the expected image of Gdansk? Who builds and manages the image and promotion of the city? How does the city use music and musical events in building its image and promotional campaigns? Does the image of individual events form a coherent whole? Are musical promotional activities coherent? What are the strategic concepts for image and promotion management in the context of culture and how are they implemented? To answer these questions, author implements methods related to qualitative research: including interview, observation, desk-research method.The first chapter presents the theoretical part related to the image and promotion management process. The definitions, goals and levels of territorial marketing, specificity of the city's promotion (its subject, methods and strategy) and, perceived as standard, image building and promotion tools (informal communication, advertising, public relations, social media and forms of internet promotion, sponsorship). One of the subsections of the first chapter was also devoted to image: the concept of the image of the city, its functions, types, features and structures. A separate fragment is devoted to the concept of city and region identity. The second chapter is a detailed description of the research methodology - the type of research, the purpose of the work, research questions and methods. It also describes described institutions. The third chapter is devoted to the described example - the City of Gdańsk. Four subsections were devoted to the characteristics of the city, its culture, image and promotional activities, and the history of Gdansk's music. The fourth chapter is a research chapter - the music events organized in the city in 2017 were analyzed. The author has made every effort to ensure that the description is complete. The last chapter presents the results of the research